Spam Policy
The ICF Member Directory and CCF are intended to be used as a tool for potential coaching clients and ICF Members to connect with other ICF Members. The Directory is not to be used to promote or market products and/or services to ICF Members.
In order to protect our affiliates privacy, ICF will immediately refer these actions to our legal counsel; ICF expressly reserves all rights to take further action against those who violate our user agreement.
FTC indicates that the CAN-SPAM Act provides that “harvesting email addresses” is a violation of the Act that can give rise to criminal penalties, including imprisonment. Harvesting email addresses via unauthorized access to and use of email addresses secured from the ICF database and using those emails addresses to issue primarily commercial messages is a violation of the CAN-SPAM Act and subjects the sender to both significant civil fines ($16,000 per email) and criminal penalties.
The qualifications of coaches listed, and the information provided is not verified by ICF in any way. Individuals utilizing this database are urged to take reasonable steps to verify the qualifications of any potential coach. By utilizing the ICF Directories, you agree to hold ICF harmless from any and all claims which may arise as a result of your using the information provided and agree to adhere to the ICF Spam Policy and any other spam regulations that may apply.
Member/coach contact information included on ICF’s website is not posted for the purpose of promoting/marketing products/services to coaches. It is primarily posted for the purpose of allowing potential clients of a coach to connect with a coach. All other email and electronic communications with members should adhere to the following principles:
You should have a prior relationship with the person receiving your email. (Someone giving you their business card is acceptable in this regard, as it implies permission to get in contact. The same is true if someone has sent you an email.)
A valid “from” and “reply to” address must be included with each message.
If you have a subscription list, you should send a confirmation email that the person wishes to be on the list. -
There should always be a quick way to unsubscribe from any mail list.
Any request to cease mailing from an individual or organization should be quickly honored.
A complaint involving a breach of this policy may be considered a violation of the ICF Code of Ethics, and therefore referred to the Independent Review Board for their consideration. Should they find a breach occurred, remedies may be required. Sanctions may also be imposed such as suspending or terminating the coach’s membership and/or credential with the ICF.
Please note that spam laws and regulations above and beyond ICF’s policies may apply to commercial electronic messages sent to individuals who have elected to list their contact information on the ICF website.
Spam Policy
The ICF Member Directory and CCF are intended to be used as a tool for potential coaching clients and ICF Members to connect with other ICF Members. The Directory is not to be used to promote or market products and/or services to ICF Members.
In order to protect our affiliates privacy, ICF will immediately refer these actions to our legal counsel; ICF expressly reserves all rights to take further action against those who violate our user agreement.
FTC indicates that the CAN-SPAM Act provides that “harvesting email addresses” is a violation of the Act that can give rise to criminal penalties, including imprisonment. Harvesting email addresses via unauthorized access to and use of email addresses secured from the ICF database and using those emails addresses to issue primarily commercial messages is a violation of the CAN-SPAM Act and subjects the sender to both significant civil fines ($16,000 per email) and criminal penalties.
The qualifications of coaches listed, and the information provided is not verified by ICF in any way. Individuals utilizing this database are urged to take reasonable steps to verify the qualifications of any potential coach. By utilizing the ICF Directories, you agree to hold ICF harmless from any and all claims which may arise as a result of your using the information provided and agree to adhere to the ICF Spam Policy and any other spam regulations that may apply.
Member/coach contact information included on ICF’s website is not posted for the purpose of promoting/marketing products/services to coaches. It is primarily posted for the purpose of allowing potential clients of a coach to connect with a coach. All other email and electronic communications with members should adhere to the following principles:
You should have a prior relationship with the person receiving your email. (Someone giving you their business card is acceptable in this regard, as it implies permission to get in contact. The same is true if someone has sent you an email.)
A valid “from” and “reply to” address must be included with each message.
If you have a subscription list, you should send a confirmation email that the person wishes to be on the list. -
There should always be a quick way to unsubscribe from any mail list.
Any request to cease mailing from an individual or organization should be quickly honored.
A complaint involving a breach of this policy may be considered a violation of the ICF Code of Ethics, and therefore referred to the Independent Review Board for their consideration. Should they find a breach occurred, remedies may be required. Sanctions may also be imposed such as suspending or terminating the coach’s membership and/or credential with the ICF.
Please note that spam laws and regulations above and beyond ICF’s policies may apply to commercial electronic messages sent to individuals who have elected to list their contact information on the ICF website.
Spam Policy
The ICF Member Directory and CCF are intended to be used as a tool for potential coaching clients and ICF Members to connect with other ICF Members. The Directory is not to be used to promote or market products and/or services to ICF Members.
In order to protect our affiliates privacy, ICF will immediately refer these actions to our legal counsel; ICF expressly reserves all rights to take further action against those who violate our user agreement.
FTC indicates that the CAN-SPAM Act provides that “harvesting email addresses” is a violation of the Act that can give rise to criminal penalties, including imprisonment. Harvesting email addresses via unauthorized access to and use of email addresses secured from the ICF database and using those emails addresses to issue primarily commercial messages is a violation of the CAN-SPAM Act and subjects the sender to both significant civil fines ($16,000 per email) and criminal penalties.
The qualifications of coaches listed, and the information provided is not verified by ICF in any way. Individuals utilizing this database are urged to take reasonable steps to verify the qualifications of any potential coach. By utilizing the ICF Directories, you agree to hold ICF harmless from any and all claims which may arise as a result of your using the information provided and agree to adhere to the ICF Spam Policy and any other spam regulations that may apply.
Member/coach contact information included on ICF’s website is not posted for the purpose of promoting/marketing products/services to coaches. It is primarily posted for the purpose of allowing potential clients of a coach to connect with a coach. All other email and electronic communications with members should adhere to the following principles:
You should have a prior relationship with the person receiving your email. (Someone giving you their business card is acceptable in this regard, as it implies permission to get in contact. The same is true if someone has sent you an email.)
A valid “from” and “reply to” address must be included with each message.
If you have a subscription list, you should send a confirmation email that the person wishes to be on the list. -
There should always be a quick way to unsubscribe from any mail list.
Any request to cease mailing from an individual or organization should be quickly honored.
A complaint involving a breach of this policy may be considered a violation of the ICF Code of Ethics, and therefore referred to the Independent Review Board for their consideration. Should they find a breach occurred, remedies may be required. Sanctions may also be imposed such as suspending or terminating the coach’s membership and/or credential with the ICF.
Please note that spam laws and regulations above and beyond ICF’s policies may apply to commercial electronic messages sent to individuals who have elected to list their contact information on the ICF website.
Spam Policy
The ICF Member Directory and CCF are intended to be used as a tool for potential coaching clients and ICF Members to connect with other ICF Members. The Directory is not to be used to promote or market products and/or services to ICF Members.
In order to protect our affiliates privacy, ICF will immediately refer these actions to our legal counsel; ICF expressly reserves all rights to take further action against those who violate our user agreement.
FTC indicates that the CAN-SPAM Act provides that “harvesting email addresses” is a violation of the Act that can give rise to criminal penalties, including imprisonment. Harvesting email addresses via unauthorized access to and use of email addresses secured from the ICF database and using those emails addresses to issue primarily commercial messages is a violation of the CAN-SPAM Act and subjects the sender to both significant civil fines ($16,000 per email) and criminal penalties.
The qualifications of coaches listed, and the information provided is not verified by ICF in any way. Individuals utilizing this database are urged to take reasonable steps to verify the qualifications of any potential coach. By utilizing the ICF Directories, you agree to hold ICF harmless from any and all claims which may arise as a result of your using the information provided and agree to adhere to the ICF Spam Policy and any other spam regulations that may apply.
Member/coach contact information included on ICF’s website is not posted for the purpose of promoting/marketing products/services to coaches. It is primarily posted for the purpose of allowing potential clients of a coach to connect with a coach. All other email and electronic communications with members should adhere to the following principles:
You should have a prior relationship with the person receiving your email. (Someone giving you their business card is acceptable in this regard, as it implies permission to get in contact. The same is true if someone has sent you an email.)
A valid “from” and “reply to” address must be included with each message.
If you have a subscription list, you should send a confirmation email that the person wishes to be on the list. -
There should always be a quick way to unsubscribe from any mail list.
Any request to cease mailing from an individual or organization should be quickly honored.
A complaint involving a breach of this policy may be considered a violation of the ICF Code of Ethics, and therefore referred to the Independent Review Board for their consideration. Should they find a breach occurred, remedies may be required. Sanctions may also be imposed such as suspending or terminating the coach’s membership and/or credential with the ICF.
Please note that spam laws and regulations above and beyond ICF’s policies may apply to commercial electronic messages sent to individuals who have elected to list their contact information on the ICF website.
expand your global experience by coaching and being coached
expand your global experience by coaching and being coached

Social Impact
Coaching has never been critical for social impact than now.

ICF Bangkok's pursuing ICF Vision-Coaching is an integral part of a thriving society and
every ICF Member represents the highest quality of professional coaching-by empowering our communities through coaching. Our pro bono programs have also been designed to demonstrate the highest standards of coaching profession.
ICF Bangkok มุ่งมั่นสู่วิสัยทัศน์ของ ICF 'การโค้ชเป็นอันหนึ่งอันเดียวกันกับสังคมที่เจริญก้าวหน้า'
และ 'สมาชิก ICF เป็นตัวแทนคุณภาพสูงสุดของวิชาชีพการโค้ช' ด้วยการคืนพลังให้กับสังคมผ่านการโค้ช โปรแกรมบริการสังคมของเราpy'ออกแบบเพื่อแสดงให้เห็นถึงมาตรฐานสูงสุดของวิชาชีพการโค้ช
ICF Bangkok coaches have engaged themselves with our social system change projects as the companion to coachees during time of complexity.
โค้ช ICF มีส่วนร่วมกับโครงการเพื่อสังคมของ ICF Bangkok ตลอดมาในฐานะเพื่อนชวนคิดของผู้รับการโค้ช

'FEMpower Educator
เสริมพลังครู สร้างอนาคตชาติ''
June 11-30 July 2022
Project is initiated to pay tribute to the dedication and high commitment of educators in Thailand.
Number of Coachee: 72
Number of ICF Coach joined: 72
'FEMpower โค้ชนี้เพื่อเธอ'
July 4-31, 2021
“FEMpower” is designed for women in different roles of life ; from working mothers, entrepreneurs, to Executives and new female leaders.
โครงการ FEMpower ออกแบบขึ้นเพื่อสตรีที่มีบทบาทหลายด้านในชีวิต ตั้งแต่การเป็นคุณแม่ ผู้ประกอบการ เป็นผู้บริหาร และตั้งรับภาระมากในระหว่างที่ยังมีการแพร่ระบาดของ COVID-19
จำนวนผู้รับการโค้ช: 109
จำนวนโค้ช ICF ที่เข้าร่วมโครงการ: 90

'Stay Safe, Stay Coached'
February 13-17, 2021
This timely designed program launched during the begining of pandemic widespreading in Thailand since early 2020. Those highly affected by COVID-19, i.e., medical staffs, public health volunteers, entrepreneurs, parents, etc. for women in different roles of life
โปรแกรมสำหรับผู้ที่ได้รับผลกระทบจากโควิด เช่น บุคลากรทางการแพทย์ สาธารณสุข อสม. บุคลากรในองค์กร ผู้ประกอบการ ครูและผู้ปกครอง ฯลฯ
จำนวนผู้รับการโค้ช: 60
จำนวนโค้ช ICF ที่เข้าร่วมโครงการ: 60
ICF Bangkok 2021 CSR Chair
Hongyok Chimphan
Program Committee
Jirina Kiatlertpongsa
Areeya Mahaworamakorn, PCC
Wanpen Visanbuchanee, PCC
Chiraporn Chongmankongcheep, ACC
Somjai Wongsurit
Chanyachita Srichai
Kochkorn Sakulisariyaporn,ACC
Narumol Tantirithisak
Wanpen Visanbuchanee
Fernando Hettiyadura, PCC
Jean-Jacque Durin, ACC
Dr. Danaiya Tang-U-Thaisuk, PCC
PR & Web Committee
Ramida Russell Maneesatiean, PCC
Nantarat prommekprathan
Event Committee

'WeCare จากวิกฤตเป็นพลังใจ
May 4-10, 2020'
The pro bono coaching by ICF credential coaches for various group of people, who are affected by COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.
โปรแกรมการโค้ชโดยไม่คิดมูลค่าเพื่อสังคมโดยโค้ชที่ได้รับการรับรองคุณวุฒิ ICF เพื่อบุคคลที่ได้รับผลกระทบจากโควิดในปี 2020
จำนวนผู้รับการโค้ช: 30
จำนวนโค้ช ICF ที่เข้าร่วมโครงการ: 60

'โค้ช ICF เคียงข้างคุณ'
April 16-30, 2020'
A joint pro bono coaching program between ICF Bangkok and CPAll supporting 500 junior staffs, whose working condition changed because of COVID-19
โปรแกรมการโค้ชโดยไม่คิดมูลค่าเพื่อสังคม โดยเป็นการจัดร่วมกันระหว่างสหพันธ์การโค้ชนานาชาติสาขากรุงเทพฯ และ:ซีพีออลล์ เพื่อสนับสนุนพนักงานปฏิบัติการที่ยังคงต้องออกไปทำงานและมีความเสี่ยงในภาวะการแพร่ระบาดของโควิด
จำนวนผู้รับการโค้ช: 200
จำนวนโค้ช ICF ที่เข้าร่วมโครงการ: 60
'Thailand Coaching Forum'
The pro bono program for people in need, part of ICF Bangkok annual event of 2018
การโค้ชโดยไม่คิดมูลค่าเพื่อสังคมเพื่อบุคคลท้่วไปสามารถเข้าถึงการโค้ช จัดขึ้นเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของงานประจำปีของสหพันธ์การโค้ชนานาชาติ สาขากรุงเทพฯ ในปี 2018
จำนวนผู้รับการโค้ช: 20
จำนวนโค้ช ICF ที่เข้าร่วมโครงการ: 20
One-day pro bono coaching for staffs of National Intelligence Agency, the Gevernment of Kingdom of Thailand, part of International Coaching Week 2017
การโค้ชโดยไม่คิดมูลค่าเพื่อสังคมเพื่อเจ้าหน้าที่ของหน่วยข่าวกรองแห่งชาติ รัฐบาลไทย
เพื่อเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของการฉลองสัปดาห์การโค้ชสากลในประเทศไทยปี 2017
จำนวนผู้รับการโค้ช: 30
จำนวนโค้ช ICF ที่เข้าร่วมโครงการ: 15